On Monday 27 February 2006 16:50, David Megginson wrote:
> On 27/02/06, Jon S. Berndt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone ever checked to see how many lines of code are involved in
> > plib/simgear/flightgear?
> It's not all that useful a metric -- I'd prefer to count methods,
> functions, etc. -- but FlightGear checks in at roughly 215,000 lines
> of C/C++ code, and SimGear checks in at close to 75,000 lines.
> Why stop there, though?  The base package contains about 95,000 (!!!)
> lines of XML and nearly 30,000 lines of NASAL scripts.  Of course, we
> should also count the raster graphics, sound samples, 3D models,
> non-XML data files, etc. etc.

Just for fun, I did a word count on my custom build, unlicensable AI traffic 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/FlightGear-0.9/data> wc Traffic/traffic.xml
  4629929   4629960 144213423 Traffic/traffic.xml
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/FlightGear-0.9/data>

Let's see, that's 4 million sixhunderd and something lines of xml code alone 
modeling over 24 thousand aircraft :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/FlightGear-0.9/data> grep -c "</aircraft>" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/FlightGear-0.9/data>     

Given these numbers, I'm amazed at how fast this file loads, and how few 
errors I've encountered in the AIModels code, but given the size of over 100 
megabytes, I'm considering changing the format to something a "little" more 


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