Lee Elliott wrote

> On Saturday 17 June 2006 20:18, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > Lee
> >
> > > On Saturday 17 June 2006 07:34, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> > > > * Lee Elliott -- Saturday 17 June 2006 05:02:
> > > > > Is anyone else seeing a memory leak in current cvs?
> > > >
> > > > I would be surprised if we had no leaks at all. But in a
> > > > short test with $ fgfs --aircraft=ufo --airport=kufo  ...
> > > > i didn't see anything like you observed. The memory
> > > > consumption was quite stable after a few minutes. (This
> > > > was with ATC turned off.)
> > > >
> > > > m.
> > >
> > > Tried fgfs --aircraft=ufo --airport=kufo and had no
> > > problems. Went back to the a/c I was testing and just let it
> > > sit there while doing nothing but reduce the sound volume -
> > > no problem.
> > >
> > > I then closed the canopy (nasal), which resulted in a slight
> > > increase of fgfs vm utilisation but after waiting for a
> > > minute or two it was stable.  I then revealed the 2D panel
> > > and that's when the vm utilisation for fgfs started to ramp
> > > up (I ssh'd in from another m/c and ran top to watch this).
> > >
> > > I switched back to the ufo and when I revealed the 2D panel
> > > (C-172 default) fgfs vm utilisation seemed to start ramping,
> > > although a lot more slowly than the a/c I was testing, so it
> > > looks as though it may be something to do with the 2D panel,
> > > which is a bit strange.
> > >
> > > As I said, the rate seems quite a bit lower with the ufo - I
> > > had to wait about a minute or so before it was apparent that
> > > fgfs's vm utilisation was ramping and it was only grabbing
> > > an extra mb every 30 seconds or so.
> > >
> > > Do you see this?
> >
> > I just left the KC135 running airborne - it chewed up VM and
> > finally froze. 2D panel as well. I'm not clear if this is the
> > same phenomenon that you are seeing, or if the 2D panel is
> > significant.
> >
> > Vivian
> Sounds very much like it - I first noticed under the same
> conditions.
> I'll try cvs with Melchior's latest update, but a bit later - I'm
> of to a birthday now.

I have now completed a bit more testing using the Seahawk using cvs-head of
this am on Windows XP. With the 3D panel there is no memory leak. When I
switch to the 2d panel on the fly, the memory leak starts. When I switch
back to 3d, the leak stops.

This can be repeated at will. 


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