AJ MacLeod schreef:
> Your original issue was, I think, a desire to have different parts of 
> the FG
> 3d environment (including instruments) displayed on different screens, on a 
> PC with multiple graphics cards and monitors.  As far as I can see, it's 
> already possible, with no extra coding, even for fully 3d cockpits.  You can 
> already set your viewpoint(s) anywhere relative to the a/c, facing any 
> direction at any zoom level.  You can have multiple views of any part of the 
> same aircraft.  Of course it should be even simpler now that we're using 
> OSG... there was some mention in a thread in June (Impressions from LinuxTag) 
> of using four osgViewer "cameras" configured in preferences.xml to output 
> displays from one instance of FG.
> Mind you, I haven't seen the promised instructions materialise... it would be 
> nice to see those - did they get onto the wiki when I wasn't looking?
> The one instrumentation-related thing that we definitely lack at the moment 
> is 
> a really flexible method of implementing "glass cockpit" displays within FG.  
> Fortunately, it's not something that affects the type of aircraft I'm most 
> interested in ;-)
> Cheers,
> AJ
No, my original issue was to make external instrumentation possible over 
the network, not on a single PC with 6 monitors on it. Distribute the 
computing power, allowing more processing power for the flight dynamics 
and visuals and a flexible instrument setup.

Take a real simulator as an example: The flight dynamics are run from a 
system that does only that -- flight dynamics. Pure math that is, and 
it's mostly done as a double redundant unit instead of a single one.

The only data the FDM machine will output is that relevant to flight 
dynamics. That's basically all of the position data and 2 levels of 
derivatives of it (thus including forces on the airframe). Other 
systems, mostly composed of real-world avionics, pick up on that data 
and generate the relevant instrumentation, either as an image or as a 
control signal for a real aircraft instrument.

Mind you, most flight deck builders, including the FS200x users, do not 
use a single machine for all the work. More and more of FS is ripped out 
of the FS logic, leaving only the raw FDM and visual data up to that 
system. All of the system logic is done "outboard" communicating with FS 
over a network link.
The only downside of this, is that FS panels themselves are defined in 
"gauges" (DLL files) which can never be used outboard because of 
Microsoft's closed API. There are some really good payware aircraft on 
the market with tremendous levels of realism, but they are all limited 
to that one system running FS, so they are not suitable for cockpit 

Mind you, most of my ideas ARE targeted at glass cockpits, which are 
mostly composed of vector based graphics. (Historically, aircraft even 
had vector-driven CRT's before the flat panel era.) If glass cockpits 
are built up of bitmap-based graphic material, it will look ugly and 
unrealistic. The Citation in FG, for example, has a very clear and 
visible display for the PFD/ND, but you can immediately see that it 
doesn't look like "glass".

Most cockpit builders will want 2D displays since most of it is hidden 
behind paneling. Only a few display elements are revealed, and these 
should look like they belong there. You don't want to be looking 
'through' the display glass at some piece of 3D cockpit, you will want 
to be looking AT the display glass because it is part of the cockpit 
hardware. Everything will have to look flat.

My ultimate goal is to model a flight deck after the professional sims 
-- each part of the simulator is dedicated to a system. This adds both 
redundancy and flexibility -- if a system crashes, it doesn't take the 
entire simulator with it as is the case with FS2004 based setups. The 
data exchange doesn't stop, because it isn't tied to a single 'master' 
unit -- if one unit should cease to respond (function), the rest of the 
system is notified and possibly another unit or a hot standby might take 
over. Likewise, if another aircraft is being simulated, the only thing 
that needs to change (in principle) is the system logic and flight 
model, instead of needing a hard simulator reset.

My proposal for the project would be to create a working framework for 
2D instruments, suitable for cockpit builders. The system would be 
similar, if not identical in functionality, to X-Panel for X-Plane users 
(I would like to give you a URL but some fool took down the X-Panel 
pages, every Google hit turns 404), which allows X-Plane instruments to 
be displayed on a different system (or multiple). As for glass cockpits 
go, an example is either OpenGC or Project Magenta, but both of these 
have the design of their displays hard-coded, what I would really like 
to see is that GC or steam panels could be designed in a WYSIWYG 
graphics environment, and interactive script added later. SVG has 
specifications for that.

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