Hi there!

Maybe I missed something, but under OSG/opengl it should be able to 
create up to 8 light sources.

I used some simple osg code to generate a spotlight but it works only if 
I define it as light_num 0, which corresponds the GL_LIGHT0 of opengl I 
suppose, and this setting causes generic lightning to dissappear.

Now some questions to someone with more insight into OSG:
Is it possible to add lights when modifying the code below or is there a 
current limitation in flightgear that prevent lights from being added?
I had a quick look into renderer.cxx and it seems that our global 
lighting is linked with osg there, but I am no programmer and I don't 
know how our lighting system actually works.

Here the code I used (when GL_LIGHT1 and light_num 1 were used,nothing 
  LightSource {
      UniqueID LightSource_2
      DataVariance STATIC
      nodeMask 0xffffff
      cullingActive FALSE
      StateSet {
        DataVariance STATIC
        rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
        renderBinMode INHERIT
        GL_LIGHT0 ON
      referenceFrame RELATIVE
      Light {
        UniqueID LightSource_3
        DataVariance STATIC
        light_num 0 //0 works but global light turned off
        ambient 0.2 0.2 0.2 1
        diffuse 1 1 1 1
        specular 0 0 0 0
        position 0 0 0 1
        direction -1 0 0
        constant_attenuation 1
        linear_attenuation 0
        quadratic_attenuation 0
        spot_exponent 2
        spot_cutoff 15
      num_children 0

fly on,

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