Hi all, and happy new year,

I arrive a little "after the battle", so I couldn't participate to this 
event, but anyway I really wish to see more and more events using mp. 
Each month a part of the the French community takes place to fly with 
each other around remodelled terrains and sceneries sitting in France. 
The first sunday of each month (next one the 6th of january), indeed. 
For sure this time and place is almost only French speaking as some of 
us have troubles with Sheakespeare's native language :D but surely it 
has absolutely no "restrictions" and everyone is welcome.

Moreover I wanted to talk about an special event type : rallyes. Indeed, 
the rules are quite simple: you have to follow a route, as best as you 
can, not only the fastest as possible, but in an certain amount of time 
(depending of aircraft you use). I wrote a little script in perl 
intented to be the contest director, and to count bonus and malus (given 
in seconds). Creating a route, and the rules (scale, check points, 
duration, etc.) is rather simple and made by a conf file. I have some 
routes (created by Pierre Geoffroy), but haven't taken the time to 
create the rallye, btw if someone is interested in managing such an 
event, here is the script:
http://seb.marque.free.fr/fichiers/flightgear/check_logs (perl)
and here a conf example:

it is feeded by the fgms log files.

hope someone will find this interesting enough to continue what I 
haven't succeeded in, by a lack of time (most common excuse I know ;)).

best regards

ps: I have to modify a little bit the script in order to allow entering 
the beginning and ending date of the event in the conf file. If you've 
got questions about the script I'll be very pleased to answer as quick 
as I can.

Stuart Buchanan a écrit :
> --- Hans Fugal wrote:
>> Sounds like fun was had by all. I hope to catch the next event.
>> Another funfly would be fun, but here's another idea that takes less
>> coordination, and so could be done more frequently. We could have a
>> fly-in from time to time. The airport and time chosen in advance, and
>> people can fly in with their favorite aircraft. If we all aim to
>> arrive at roughly the same time, the traffic could be quite
>> interesting. We could even use chat as a CTAF, though we'll
>> conveniently forget to invite the virtual FAA.

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