> Well, participating in a 'club' like this one and
> not giving reasonable
> feedback doesn't count as good habits ....

Maybe- But I think Syd will have a lot reasons for that. Nasal scripting is a 
lot of easier than C++ - so it is a nice workaround. And very often better than 

Example: 747-200 Auto-Landing. Nasal scripted. Works perfect and very much like 
the original. 

> BTW, a quick search on The Net revealed this thread - I
> suspect you
> already knew about it:
> http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1574
> At least as far as I understand, these people were able to
> get a
> working MK-VIII,
>       Martin.

It depends on what you define "working" - yes, it worked, but there was still a 
lot of wrong call-outs like the "Bank-angel"-Callout with zero banking after 
lift-off and so on....
And a lot of callouts we have, were never used- I think because nobody knows 
how to activate them.

But right- maybe that should have been a topic here on the list. 
Maybe ....


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