> I'm planning to create some slightly advanced cockpit
> instruments in  
> the near future, and to do this I need to support some more
> complex  
> text displays. (This is for the character-based displays on
> the  
> KLN89/94/etc GPSs, and FMS/MCDU units in the longer term).
> I was intending to create some specialised (scriptable)
> layers in the  
> current 2D panel format, which would be more advanced
> variants on the  
> current <text> and <chunk> system that already
> exists. However, to do  
> this, I need to fully convert the existing 2D panel code to
> OSG - this  
> would have various benefits, but it's a non trivial
> amount of work.
> However, there seems to be some confusion about the
> preferred way to  
> builds new panels, going forward. Clearly many panels
> contain 3D  
> elements (knobs, levers and the like) which are not
> expressed using  
> the 2D panel XML format. Equally, as far as I can see, all
> the  
> analogue and digital panel displays are still being created
> using the  
> 2D system, i.e <transform>, <select>,
> cropped-texture layers and so on.
> Is this correct, or I have mis-understood something here? I
> don't want  
> to spend time converting the old code to OSG if it's a
> dead-end that  
> is only used by older panels. If it's been superseded,
> where is the  
> system that replaces it?
> Cheers,
> James
Currently there are two approaches:
-making it all 3d. Means that signs, symbols lines are mostly done with 
3d-objects. Good example the 787-display

-using 2d-layers. Syd is using this approach on his 777 but it does have 
problems on some hardware- some layers disappear and are not visible and shines 
trough other objects. 

The second approach seems to be easier for me as modeler, I only have to make 
the textures, but the current issues prevented my from using this method yet.



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