First: we are an OpenSource project- open and free to all! We can't  preventing 
militaries using FGFS to develope military stuff to kill people.

So I don't see a chance to prevent those kids making this event.

But we are allowed to say our opinion about and trying them to convince with 
facts and words. And indeed to make an pseudo-historical (it isn't historical 
right! )event which clearly annoys a lot of people people is just annoying 

> the fact that many people seem to think that the best way
> to deal 
> with unpleasant events in history is to mythologise and
> make them 
> sacred and untouchable, and then to try to force other
> people to 
> comply with their personal views.

The people who re-enactment mythologise this unpleasant events!

> To understand how such
> terrible events 
> came to occur requires that the events be inspected down to
> their 
> finest details and it's only when you completely understand
> what 
> happened that you stand a chance of ensuring that it
> doesn't happen 
> again.  

But that is exactly what they don't do. I doubt that they ever understood how 
this all happened. Even for studied historian it is difficult to understand 
today. And those kids in the forum don't re-enact the real history in its 
details and for studying so I can't agree here. 

> Saying that people should treat these events
> as something 
> sacred and that re-enacting them or studying them is
> somehow 
> offensive just ensures ignorance, which is no way to tackle
> the 
> future.

As I said- they don't re-enact the real history happened and they don't do that 
for learning and studying history. They just do that because having fun to 
shoot. Not yet nothing to say against- but as you can read this event annoys a 
lot of people here- so you should better think again why are so much people 
annoyed by it! Can you tell me again why?

> This issue really has nothing to do with FlightGear. 
> FlightGear is 
> all about flight, and to a large degree about the
> development of 
> flight, both in the past and for the future, and the fact
> is that 
> much of the development in flight has its origins in the
> military.  
> Just as we can't truly understand the past that has brought
> us to 
> the present without correctly understanding _all_ of the
> past, 
> FlightGear cannot properly deal with the subject of flight
> if it 
> tries to ignore the military factor.

It has nothing to do with military factor. As this would be we have to shut 
down the whole project as a lot of civillian developed aircrafts can and was 
used in a military way, and a lot of people were killed by them. But we use 
them to simulate flying- not simulating how to kill people! That's the point!


> For example, as pointed out in the forum
> thread, the 
> Swastika has been made illegal in several countries and
> this has 
> lead to the widely held belief that the Swastika symbol
> relates 
> purely to the Nazi regime.  It does, in fact, date
> from the 
> Neolithic period and was originally thought of as a symbol
> of good 
> luck. 

It seems that only you and some of those kids believe that we fight the 
swastika- read exactly and you will see that we mean the nazi-swastika! That's 
a difference! 
We all really already ( if not before! ;-))know the history of this symbol - no 
need to teach us again.  

> Making the Swastika illegal has certainly not
> achieved the 
> aim of stopping its use by the right-wing movements that
> were 
> targeted by the law but instead has just resulted in the
> widespread 
> ignorance of its real place in history, along with making
> it 
> impossible to make historically accurate representations of
> anything that carried the symbol (unless it is for
> scholarly use).  
> What has been advanced by achieving this?

Sorry, but noone from us who made this law! This was made in resepct for the 
victims of this sign ( again: nazi-swastika!)- a while before we were actually 
born. It's not our fault and unfortunately noone from us here in this certain 
countries are strong enough to fight against.  
> Yes, I am very annoyed at all this.  It is precisely
> this type of 
> neurotic denial of reality that has lead to many of the
> world's 
> problems today.  Pandering to this neurosis is not
> going to make 
> things any better and it will only be by _really_
> understanding 
> things and coming to terms with them that we will stand any
> chance 
> of preventing them from occurring again.

No, to the many world problems has lead the non-respect. The non-respect over 
certain history facts! If we had learned of it, we woulden't have similar 
things today!

Do you know that even today more than 60 years after the war and holocaust my 
country germany still have to pay compensations?
That there are still war crinimals of the WWII and the holocaust around and 
they still beeing chased?
That there still people have been imprisoned and survived the concentration 
camps are alive? 
That there are still people dying or getting ill in Hiroshima and Nagasaki due 
to the long-term consequence of the radioactivity?

So it is still very present- so how about a little bit respect?


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