Hi Erik,

Erik Hofman wrote:

> I've never been a fan of pulse audio and will never use it in the 
> future. Let's face it, it's like sending OpenGL streams through a 
> software renderer before handing it over to the OpenGL hardware.

Yes, let's face it: I've seen quite a lot of different approaches to
"do sound on Linux" passing by over, well, maybe the past one and a
half decade, and none of them managed to cover such a wide range of
"ambitious consumer" use cases like PulseAudio does - even though it's
still in a somewhat early stage of development.

So, to put it in a simplified way, if all the "hardware renderers" are
failing in one or the other way, even after trying for several years,
the "software renderer" might still be a darn good choice as long as it
simply "gets the job done". And it's doing its job better every month.

P.S.: No, I'm barely to be called an Ubuntu user ....
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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