On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:49 PM, syd adams <adams....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Like we couldn't see this coming ;) ....
> As for the 777 , unrealistic according to who ? I'm not against
> changing  it as one of the default aircraft , there are a lot of other
> great choices now , but I do get annoyed with these claims by armchair
> pilots who read it somewhere or saw it on youtube....
> have you piloted one  of these in real life ? If so , what could be
> improved ? When I get FACTS from REAL pilots , I tend to be all ears ,
> there are too many self proclaimed experts to take everything I hear
> as fact. I've done a huge amount of research on that aircraft , but
> have never flown one  , so I can't say with certainty how accurate the
> FDM is myself , but still
> I'd rather hear how it could fixed rather than a hazy '(the FDM is
> terribly unrealistic)
While I am not a real world pilot, I also get annoyed at the subjective
"<Blah> is broken" where blah is a feature on a particular aircraft. Better
is an objective "cruise speed of the <aircraft> at x,000 feet is 500 knots
when it should  be 520 knots."

Note: I have plucked those figures out of the air for the discussion.
However, the first statement is open to arguement and the next question of
what and how is <blah> broken. The second example can be responded to as
"yes you are right the FDM is a little out" or "No, it's correct as cruise
alttiude of <air craft should be no higher than y,000 feet".

As I deal with vauge user reports with as little information to go on as
"The Internet is broken", I am all for as much information as can be
provided. Which application... the list goes on.


I know you meant well but stating that an aircraft could be replaced with
another isn't particularly helpful without naming a successor. It help as
other can then agree with your or say that something else is more worthy. I
think this discussion comes up every time a new release gets close.


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