On Friday 25 March 2011 10:01:33 thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi wrote:
> > The main thing that bugs me with the system is that the view frustum
> > culling
> > around the edges of the screen is visible, so you continuously see the
> > clouds being created and disappearing at the edges of the screen as you
> > turn
> > or change views.  If it was once in a while I could live with it, but
> > it's continuous and perpetual and distracts from the
> > overall experience. :-(
> Hm, from the description this could be one of two things:
> 2) A while ago a video was posted here
> http://www.easy-share.com/1912919971/Clouds03.mpg
> which showed a view from the front window with many clouds. When the view
> changed to the side window, for a second empty sky was visible, which then
> rapidly filled with reloading cloud models.
> What you describe here sound pretty much like that, and that is very
> annoying.
> It's not something I have ever seen on my computer, for me clouds behave
> just as the default clouds, i.e. they are already there when I turn my
> view, there is no culling and redrawing happening. For the case in the
> video, I have verified that the effect doesn't come from within Local
> Weather (I asked to switch off all Nasal loops which load and unload
> clouds, and the effect remained unchanged).
> My suspicion is that it is generic at least for Nasal-spawned models, i.e.
> if you would place 1000 objects with the ufo around you and turn the view
> rapidly, you would see the same thing.
> I have never been to observe it in either 2.0.0 or any of my GIT pulls and
> with no version of OSG I've ever compiled against. In short I have no clue
> what it is, but I know that the problem lies outside the Local Weather
> package.
> * Thorsten
This happens here as well (nVidia 8600GT (256MB VRAM) on linux). Now that I 
think of it it looks and behaves like graphics card memory bandwidth issue, 
maybe it is cured with the image cache set with CACHE_ALL? as by adding some 
more sistem RAM things haven't improved here.

At one point I thought it was because of your code, as I remember something 
about a custom "culling" thing in there (maybe I remember wrong, or understood 
something wrong).

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