Le 11/07/2011 14:37, flightgear-devel-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net a
écrit :
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 13:37:15 +0200
> From: Melchior FRANZ <mfr...@aon.at>
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Base Package branch,
>       master, updated. 0b8dee0f4611f0e90478f48d58951995fbe87069
> To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Message-ID: <201107091337.16...@rk-nord.at>
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> * Flightgear-commitlogs -- Saturday 09 July 2011:
>> commit 0b8dee0f4611f0e90478f48d58951995fbe87069
>> Author: ThorstenB
>> Date:   Sat Jul 9 12:45:42 2011 +0200
>>     bo105: make sim reset work when helicopter crashed
>>     On sim reset properly "uncrash" the airframe and do not install
>>     listeners again.
> The bo105 is maintained by *me*, and nobody is allowed to make commits
> other than adaptations to changes in the api or framework -- let's say,
> someone renames setlistener to set_listener, in which case an adaptation
> would be mandatory.
> This is not my invention, but was handled that way ever since I came
> to FlightGear in 2001, and this is also standard procedure in other
> projects.
> Patches with explanations shall be submitted to the maintainer, even
> by core developers.
> m.
Hum.... I understand your point of view because I had the same trouble
with one of my aircraft there is little time. But this can only be that
a mark of respect towards us. In any case you can not prevent someone
from changing your creations. You placed them under the GPL and it's the
very principle of this license.

It's not a matter of habit. If no one has done since 2001 it's only
there were fewer people.

I personally made ​​some interesting changes on other planes. And I
always sent my work to the authors. Some have never done anything with
unfortunately. see : http://helijah.free.fr/senecaII-29-04-2009.tar.gz
foir example.

And I agree with you in principle. If someone modifies one of my
aircraft I like to be the first informed before any upload. But this is
all about respect and not a rule. All our creations are GPL and
theoretically everyone can and have the right to change without our

By the way, Melchior, have you tested the script of Pierre NEGRE ? :
http://rene16.dyndns.org/run/ (import/export .AC for Blender 2.58)

Regards. Emmanuel



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