On Sunday, October 07, 2012 07:44:53 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > I've had a look at this in Scotland, where it is a bit too bright based
> > on my own experience, so I'd like to leave this change so it only applies
> > to South America.  Obviously I could do the opposite and make some
> > specific materials for Scotland (hmmm, good idea :)
> I wanted to have a look at Ireland regional definitions (islands are always
> easier since it's clear where the boundaries are, I know it from first-hand
> experience,...) at some point - let me know if you actually start for
> Scotland, because I guess there's plenty of overlap :-)
> > On a related note, I've just added a new feature to the ufo:
> > Ctrl+Alt+click
> > displays the lat/lon/alt and landclass(es) of the clicked upon point.
> Nice - been using a customized button with a Nasal one-liner for the same
> purpose so far.
> Cheers,
> * Thorsten

Hi Thorsten,

Some quick finds:

First I get this when opening the shader settings dialog:

Nasal runtime error: non-objects have no members
  at $FG_ROOT/Nasal/props.nas, line 181
  called from: __dlg:shaders-lightfield, line 32

and the slider is off to the right, and can't be of much use.

Second, the "fast"(4) water lacks specularity, is this intended?

Third, there are lawnmower/corn rows on the detail textures, I suspect these 
to come from texture fetching inside conditionals, but I might also be wrong.

Fourth, and I'm sorry to say this, but the (micro)stuttering is horrible in 
high detail terrain, (just staying put and rotating the view), and that 
stuttering  at the 22-25 fps it outputs gives a much worse impression than a 
fluid constant 16 fps. I still think that doing heavy work in the vertex shader 
won't cut it, it might give *you* a fps boost in corner cases, but the way 
that scenery is going it will only make matters worse in the long run...

(NV 8800gt here, in case that matters)

Sorry for being the negative voice :)


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