On Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:28:24 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > First I get this when opening the shader settings dialog:
> > 
> > Nasal runtime error: non-objects have no members
> > 
> >   at $FG_ROOT/Nasal/props.nas, line 181
> >   called from: __dlg:shaders-lightfield, line 32
> > 
> > and the slider is off to the right, and can't be of much use.
> Assuming that this is the shader GUI dialog, I have no memory of touching it
> and the merge request did not include any changes to the dialog - this must
> be some other problem (?)
> > Second, the "fast"(4) water lacks specularity, is this intended?
> Hm, could this be a dds problem again - the typical symptom is lack of
> specularity?  I thought I had understood how the dds nature is
> communicated, but I might have messed this up. I see specular reflection
> with the shader.
> > Third, there are lawnmower/corn rows on the detail textures, I suspect
> > these
> > to come from texture fetching inside conditionals, but I might also be 
> > wrong.
> No, that's just plain old tiling of textures. One would have to optimize the
> detail overlay textures further to get completely rid of it, but I'm not
> really good in texture creation. I suspect some of your dds material would
> be rather good overlay textures, as they're very homogeneous and low
> tiling, just what one needs for the detail overlay.
> Texture fetching inside uniform int conditionals can't give you artefacts in
> a scene as far as I know.
> > Fourth, and I'm sorry to say this, but the (micro)stuttering is horrible
> > in high detail terrain, (just staying put and rotating the view),
> Would this be the stuttering that according to Vivian is Nasal related, of
> which I claimed all along that it's caused by the shader? :-)
> > I still think that doing heavy work in the vertex
> > shader won't cut it, it might give *you* a fps boost in corner cases, but
> > the way that scenery is going it will only make matters worse in the long
> > run...
> I have no clue about the way scenery is going. I think the optimal solution
> would be LOD levels on disk, so we have low vertex resolution at the
> horizon and relatively high vertex resolution nearby. You can try to
> shuffle more work to the fragment shader, but personally I'm not fond of
> flying with 5 fps, so I'm not going to do it (yes, I actually tried it...).
> It doesn't give me a boost in some corner cases, it makes the difference
> between unflyable 5 fps and usable 15 fps.
> I never intended the procedural texturing for use in custom scenery and I
> don't use it in custom scenery. All the newer aditions are optional - if
> they don't perform acceptable on you rmachine, then don't use them or use
> the bare atmospheric scattering scheme which hasn't changed, or switch
> trees off (they're pretty expensive for me).
> I'm frankly tired of 'This needs to be faster/smoother'. No, it doesn't. I'm
> not forcing anyone to use it, I put a lot of effort into cooking up ways to
> make it run faster, I don't work on things outside the rendering pipeline
> which determine smoothness,  I'm bitching all the time about things like
> the instument panel should obscure terrain here on this list which I can't
> do myself, and the result is optimized as I can make it. I'm not the
> miracle man, sorry.
> It's simply not productive to point out that you'd like to have it faster
> and smoother - we all do, it's an open secret.
> * Thorsten

I will refrain from any further tests/opinions on this topic then. Please 
accept my apologies, and disregard any of the issues I've raised. 
Everything's working smooth, and looks better than IRL... it's just my 
imagination playing tricks, better get my eyes checked


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