On 21 Feb 2013, at 11:33, Emilian Huminiuc <emili...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> 4) z/Z is disabled because weather comes with a model for the vertical
>> change of visibility as you go to different altitudes. You are allowed to
>> affect that model (that's what sliders are for), but you are not supposed
>> to micro-manage the weather simulation. There's a clear idea behind all of
>> this, which is that in Advanced Weather you trust the simulation to have an
>> understanding of weather and terrain and get the details right, you do not
>> adjust the details.

Suggestion - if z/Z are pressed with advanced weather enabled, make the 
popup-message say 'disabled since visibility is being controlled by advanced 

Another option would be to move the visibility control to a dialog, with a 
slider / spin box, and explicitly disable it when advanced weather is 
selection. Then we could lose the keybinding completely, which is something I 
want to move towards for options that are infrequently used, but taking up 
'keyboard space'.


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