On 15 Apr 2013, at 21:39, "Thomas Albrecht" wrote:
> Sorry for that HTML-crap. Here's the plain text again.

No problem. I'm writing this from an iPhone and have no idea  whether it's in 
plain text or not!

>>  Thorsten suggested [1] separating foilage and trunk; is this what you have 
>> in mind?

At the moment I'm simply using 4 separate complete textures ; one for each 
combination of summer/winter and clear/snow-covered. 

So I 'just' need straight pictures from summer and winter. Snow-covered would 
be a bonus, though that can probably be added later. 

With that I can display different textures above and below the snowline with no 
computational impact (well, a couple of additions and multiplications at the 
vertex level plus an additional Uniform). On my system there's no impact to 
frame rates. 

I've still to look at Thorsten's idea in detail (my code predates that 
discussion) and don't expect to have the time to do so in the foreseeable 

I expect it to require additional texture lookup and some perlin noise at a 
minimum so the perf impact might be significant. 

That's not to say that the two approaches can't sit side by side.  

> I'm just waiting for the right weather to take pictures of the trunks -- and
> then of course, for the trees become green again -- but then I can provide hi-
> res tree textures.

That will be great. Thanks. 

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