>>>  Thorsten suggested [1] separating foilage and trunk; is this what you  
>>> have in mind?
> At the moment I'm simply using 4 separate complete textures ; one for  
> each combination of summer/winter and clear/snow-covered.
> So I 'just' need straight pictures from summer and winter. Snow-covered  
> would be a bonus, though that can probably be added later.
> With that I can display different textures above and below the snowline  
> with no computational impact (well, a couple of additions and  
> multiplications at the vertex level plus an additional Uniform). On my  
> system there's no impact to frame rates.
> I've still to look at Thorsten's idea in detail (my code predates that  
> discussion) and don't expect to have the time to do so in the  
> foreseeable future.

Just to be clear - if we had textures, this is something I would do the work 
for since I suggested it, I'm not expecting Stuart to do this for me :-) (This 
is not to imply that I would object against Stuart giving a try, but as long as 
I can follow up an idea I like myself, I try not to fill someone else's to-do 

The reason for separating foilage would be to allow continuous autumn-color 
shifts and 'shed' leaves by overlaying a noisy alpha-channel.

> I expect it to require additional texture lookup and some perlin noise  
> at a minimum so the perf impact might be significant.

Depends on the hardware I guess. On my old GPU, the fragment pipeline was the 
bottleneck, and such an addition to the fragment shader would have been a clear 
no-go. My new GPU is almost always vertex-shader limited if it doesn't go to 
vsync, with the chief suspects being clouds, buildings and trees. So chances 
are I wouldn't even see additional texture lookups and noise functions, because 
the vertex shading dominates the execution speed of the tree code.

So I would suggest to implement this as a high-quality option for those who 
have the hardware to crunch substantial fragment shaders and leave the current 
implementation as a fallback. 

* Thorsten
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