Paul Surgeon wrote:

On Monday 03 October 2005 00:28, Ed Baker wrote:
Some people in the Linux/Unix camp tend to look down on MS-Windows users. I
used to be in that camp myself. I've been an active unix user since 1979
and I owned a copy of Slackware linux when it was distributed on 19 three
and one half inch floppies. I'm not a rooky when it comes to working in
Unix. However, I refuse to run Flightgear on a unix box. I'll concede that
Unix/Linux is great ... no doubt about it ... but, as they say two hundred
and twenty five million Beatles fans can't be all wrong. If Flightgear
plans to draw a large audience (and I think it is worthy of it), the
Flightgear community HAS TO REALIZE that they MUST appeal to the MS-Windows
community. That's just the facts ... it's not an opinion, it's not an "us
versus them" scenario. It's just what it is. There's no denying it.

I'm *way* behind on my email here, so I'm not sure why I'm replying to this first, but ...

For what it's worth, if you look at things like web hits from windows browsers versus web hits from any other platform, or if you look at the number of people downloading the windows version versus the number of people downloading the source code ... it's clear that windows users are by far and away the dominant portion of our user base.

Every time I see someone mention appealing to windows, or appealing to the MSFS crowd, I keep thinking back to the old "your appeal is fruitless" pun, but I can never think of a good clean way to work that in.

I don't personally have time to be full time marketing director and the project can't afford to hire anyone to be marketing director (or anything else for that matter), so FlightGear really isn't being actively marketed to anyone specifically, not unix, not mac, not windows. When I've been "marketing" FlightGear recently, I've been pushing it as an "engineering" tool. Notice the recent matlab interface supported by matlab. I probably see some stuff that not everyone else sees, but if you don't pick this up from the mailing lists, take it from me, FlightGear is getting used extensively in the aerospace industry. FlightGear is being used as part of many different UAV projects, from simulation to flight computer development to training to real time visualization ... both in academia and in industry. FlightGear is even being used as part of product being marketed to people who develop modern fly by wire jets. Oh, not to mention the guy who plans to add portions of FlightGear to his FAA Level A certified full motion simulator. FlightGear is used as part of a number of other simulator projects that I'm aware of. One simulator recently was setup at a university in Naples Italy. It's a dual driving/flight simulator. There's a lot of *really* cool stuff going on. It's not just about downloading FlightGear and running it on your home computer (windows, mac, linux, freebsd, etc.) Don't get me wrong, that's one of our primary target audiences, and most of our developers come from that world, but FlightGear is so much more than just a home desktop simulator.

Could we do things to make life easier for windows users? Certainly, but we have been making steady improvements all along as we've gone. Could we make things easier for linux or mac or sgi or solaris or freebsd users, yes, and we are working in those directions too. Sometimes we make changes for one platform that adversely affect another platform, but that's never intentional. Each platform needs a strong "defender"! :-) But this all takes time and effort, and we are all volunteers, and some of this stuff is really hard and really time consuming.

And don't forget, we all bring our own personal preferences and personal agendas to the project. That's just the way life works in just about any organization. So individually there may be disparranging comments once in a while towards "other" platforms. We really need to try to keep those to a minimum if not eliminate them entirely. But on the flip side, if you see one of those remarks come scrolling across your screen, you need to realize that person speaks pretty much just for themselves.

Anyway that is just my 2 cents, speaking mostly on behalf of myself. ;-)

My only issue with windows right now is the crappy video capture app we have for our live wireless uav footage deletes the movie automatically if it detects too much "snow". So we don't have footage from our crash to try to analyze what happened. That was almost two weeks ago now and I'm still pissed! But I'll stop before I start overly generalizing. :-)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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