On 09/02/11 01:09, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> On 09/02/11 00:33, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>> On 09/01/11 21:06, Chao Han wrote:
>>> Another screenshot - http://www.ge.tt/#!/8cjIDN7
>>> http://www.ge.tt/#!/8FUGCN7
>     Yes, I can replicate OP's exact problem on my win7
>     64bit system with a version of 1.3.0 I compiled
>     some time ago; black pixel in lower right corner.

   The plot thickens.

   Now that I can replicate, I played around with it.

   Went directly to unittests, but *could not* replicate there.
   In fact, could not replicate with other test programs that
   drew regular buttons (eg. "button.exe") Didn't see any problems
   with other button-like widgets (scrollbars, scroll buttons,
   boxes with insets, etc)

   So I focused on "buttons.exe" which has the problem.
   I imagined one of the other button widget's presence
   influences the problem.

   I started commented out one at a time until the problem
   disappeared: Fl_Round_Button seems to be the culprit.

   To be sure, I commented out everything except a regular
   button and the Fl_Round_Button, and the problem remained.
   Then switched it to only comment out Fl_Round_Button,
   and the problem was gone.

   Where to go from here I'm not sure, other than to post
   an STR for the problem on OP's behalf with these details.

   So please follow up on STR#2709:
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