Greg Ercolano wrote:
> On 02/19/13 06:03, Michael Baeuerle wrote:
> > 
> > I don't use the mailing list, I read and post via USENET (feed from
> >
>         +1
> > No account seems to be required to do that, probably
> > because spammers no longer know what USENET is.
>         LOL, yes, we love sturdy but ancient technology ;)

Yes, with a USENET newsreader all messages from all groups and all
servers are displayed the way you like it (configured once and for all).
And for posting you can use your favourite editor.

Any kind of web-based service to read text messages will never beat
that! Every website needs special configuration or you have to sell your
soul^Wdata to Google/MS/$VENDOR to unify that a bit for you. And even
then it will not come even near that what a dedicated newsreader
application gives you with less bloat and security vulnerability.

>         Speaking for Mike, and perhaps tempting fate, I think the newsd news 
> interface
>         has never screwed up on us once over the last, what's it been, 9 
> years?
>         Yay for an all-ascii back end..

The NNTP protocol is so trivial, you can read articles even via telnet.
If somebody of the younger people that are grown with GUI/Touch gadgets
in their pockets don't believe it, they should try this:
$ telnet 119
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
200 newsd news server ready - posting ok
GROUP fltk.general
211 27124 8943 36068 fltk.general group selected

Nothing beats simplicity ...


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