On 03/20/13 13:51, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>     Sorry I can't think of anything better; looks like fluid needs to
>     be modified, because New->Code->Declaration complains about the unclosed 
> brace.

    I don't know fluid's code well at all, but it looks like the 'code check'
    is due to the Fl_Decl_Type::open() method calling c_check() in 

    Perhaps an easy hack is to modify this line in Fl_Decl_Type::open():

    message = c_check(c&&c[0]=='#' ? c+1 : c);

    ..to instead read something like:

    if ( !strncmp(c,"namespace",9) &&
         !strcmp(c,"};") ) message = c_check(c&&c[0]=='#' ? c+1 : c);

    Then you can probably use New->Code->Declaration to start a namespace:

namespace foo {

    ..and a separate one to end it with:


    I'm not sure if there are checks for this elsewhere in the code.
    I think Matt and Bill are our resident fluid experts.

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