On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 04:01:20PM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 02:05:07PM -0500, Tristan Slominski wrote:
> > That alone seems to me to dismiss the concern that mind uploading would not
> > be possible (despite that I think it's a wrong and a horrible idea
> > personally :D)

Personally, I can think of 2 objections:

 1. It may turn out that mind uploading doesn't actually transfer your
    mind in a new environment, but actually makes a *copy* of you,
    which will behave the same, but isn't actually you.  From the
    outside, it would make virtually no difference, but from the
    inside, you wouldn't get to live in the Matrix.

 2. There's those cool things called "privacy", and "free will" that
    can get seriously compromised if anyone but a saint ever get root
    access to the Matrix you live in.  And we have plenty of reasons
    to abuse such a system.  Like:

    - Boost productivity with happy slaves.  Just copy your best
      slaves, and kill the rest.  Or make them work 24/7 by killing
      them every 8 hours, and restarting a saved state. (I got the
      idea from Robin Hanson.)

      Combined with point (1), this is a killer: we will probably get
      to a point where meatbags are not competitive enough to feed
      themselves.  So, everyone dies soon, and Earth becomes a giant
      City of Ghosts.

    - Make a number of psychological experiments by simulating a giant
      cube of 27*27*27 rooms with lots of traps.

    - Indulge your base instincts by inflicting the unspeakable to the
      copy of your chosen victim(s).  Nobody will notice anyway.

I still think there's a potential for paradise there, but if we screw
up, it could be worse than Hell.

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