Quoting Fotis Jannidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >From "Cafe con Leche" the xml website maintained by Elliotte 
> Rusty Harold: 
> "The United States National Institute for Standards and technology 
> (NIST) has published published several hundred tests for XSLT, 
> XPath, and XSL Formatting Objects. These will eventually be 
> integrated into  the official OASIS XSLT/XPath suite."
> see http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/xml/page4.html
> I had a short look at the xsl:fo test suite. It contains about 540 xml 
> files and xsl files to convert them to xsl:fo files. In a separate 
> directory there are the resulting pdf files created with xep. 
> I am not sure about the copyright status of the test suite, but we 
> certainly can make use of it. 
> Fotis

These have been visible, more or less, for a while. I think I have at least one
post on fop-dev, going back a few months, that described the testing associated
with the CR process, and identified the test suites and test DTD that were (are)
available. The XSL WG was working closely with NIST on this since last year.

It could be that I just posted this to other committers, and not the
list...can't recall. It's not super-secret stuff.

As a related aside, Keiron and I attempted to help out the CR process by running
FOP on a number of the test suites. It was rather frustrating (I think Keiron
will agree) - there were just enough little features that FOP didn't support,
that there would have been so much editing involved to make things work that it
simply wasn't feasible. It's not that FOP was so far off-base, but if you have
hundreds of tests, and there is one single (but maybe slightly different) edit
required in almost all of them to make FOP complete processing, that is
unworkable. We ended up processing and submitting the PDF for 2 fairly complex
documents that Paul Grosso prepared; the report on the first one, at least, is
that PDF from all tested processors (including FOP) compared very well.

I haven't looked at the URL above - yet - but I suspect that the NIST test suite
is the same NIST bundle that has been made available for a while. I don't think
we can bundle it willy-nilly with FOP, but I agree with you, Fotis: we can
certainly make very good use of those tests in development.


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