>From "Cafe con Leche" the xml website maintained by Elliotte 
Rusty Harold: 

"The United States National Institute for Standards and technology 
(NIST) has published published several hundred tests for XSLT, 
XPath, and XSL Formatting Objects. These will eventually be 
integrated into  the official OASIS XSLT/XPath suite."

see http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/xml/page4.html

I had a short look at the xsl:fo test suite. It contains about 540 xml 
files and xsl files to convert them to xsl:fo files. In a separate 
directory there are the resulting pdf files created with xep. 

I am not sure about the copyright status of the test suite, but we 
certainly can make use of it. 


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