On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:32:24 Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> 2. We require a release plan for FOP 1. I propose a very simple one - a 
> regular planned release the first week of every month, with a secondary 
> bugfix release 1-2 weeks later (second or third week). That means that 
> another will appear soon. Numbering of releases will _not_ be fixed; it
> will 
> depend on how much got done in the intervening month. Comments?

I think that would be a good idea, regular releases.

Also if possible it might be good to create the branch for FOP II (2) after
the next release so that there is a place to start working in.

> 4. I am pretty much set on spending 80-90% of _my_ time on FOP 2, even 
> though we have neither formally defined FOP 2 nor actually kicked it off.
> However, that doesn't mean that I am abandoning FOP 1 - I'll continue to 
> accept patches (I have one right now), plus do releases (unless somebody 
> else wants to give that a shot), and otherwise support testing. I am 
> currently doing some testing related to the CR->PR process.

One question, how should we handle updates to FOP that are not specific to
the new layout.
For example: images, svg, logging, configuration etc.
All things that need improvement.
If we put these things in 1 then we may have trouble getting them into 2,
if we put them in 2 then everyone will have to wait for 2 to be released.
Is FOP 1 going to be feature frozen, interface frozen etc. or should this
wait for a bit first.

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