Weiqi Gao wrote:
On 04 Jul 2001 10:06:35 +0200, pascal Baptiste wrote:
I'd like to have a piece of help on an problem I have encountered
with tables in Fop 0.17.

In fact I have a xsl stylesheet which contains xsl/fo instructions
in order to generate pdf from an xml tree. In this stylesheet, I
have a table and I want to have each row's bottom border visible
in dashed style. So I use the attribute border-bottom-style of the
fo:table-row element with the value "dashed". And it doesn't
work. In fact it seems to be interpreted by the Driver as if it
had the value "solid" in state of "dashed". I have also tried
with Fop 0.19 and borders are invisible, so it's worse.

FOP doesn't do dashed borders. Since 0.19.0, you can't draw borders on
table-rows by specifying border properties on the table-row alone. You
have to draw borders on individual cells, by specifying the border
properties on the table-cell elements.

I had lot of problems with tables with borders in FOP 0.19.0. The only
thing that worked reliably for me is to specify the
border-collapse="separate" property on the table, and use borders only
on the table or table-cells, and never on table-rows or table-columns.
Fortunately the effects I wanted are all achievable this way (through
some wacky calculation in the stylesheets).

Thanks for your help. I didn't know that Fop didn't support dashed borders, because in the features the tag border-style seems to be recognized. I could have searched for ages!


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