On 2002.03.18 15:18 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> BTW, if you want, in the meantime I can make a patch to your build to use
> Cocoon and the new slim xml.apache.org style that is in current Cocoon
> cvs.
> It has the same L&F of the current one but doesn't make use of batik, and
> site is much slimmer.
> The libs would be an additional 1.4 Mb, comprising the Avalon framework
> and
> Excalibur jars that you will need anyways. The Cocoon jar itself is less
> than 1Mb.

If this would help you and get us closer to an automated website, then I 
would like to give the patch a go.
I am interested in the forrest project as an observer.


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