On Fri, 2002-06-07 at 15:14, patrick andries wrote:
> [PA] Don't take my remarks wrong : I don't mind not having much information,
> I just don't want to be misled. I do simply not understand the sentence.
> What is « this » in « this is roughly » ? Do you mean that the redesign will
> end up when it ends (and we have no idea when) with 30% of the current
> functionality (« this is roughly 30%» ...« similar functionality to the
> previous FOP releases » ? If this is not what you intend some people to
> understand, the sentence should be rewritten.

No, that's not what it means.
It says "This [the Development for 1.0DR1] is roughly 30% towards a
developers release"


"that [the release] should have: similar functionality to previous FOP
releases, a rough API and a suitable design for developers to work on
more functionality."

So we are 30% towards a developers release.
The functionality should be similar to previous releases.

I'll try to rewrite it.

> [PA] In fact, about two to three months ago I voluntereed (I was between
> jobs) and no one answered. Now I'm rather taken by my new job, but my
> employer will be happy  to help implement features if there is a least a
> chance of a release sometimes (I have stated several times that we want line
> numbering(*), for instance, for our government customers).

I'm not sure how to answer this.
Yes it is good that you offered to do something. The problem is to
expect someone to answer at that time to say they *want* what you are
offering to do. With open source I would suggest that things work the
other way around.
If you do something and make it available then people will want it by
using it and contributing to it.
I'm sure there are articles around that explain it much better.

Ultimately it is up to you and how much time/effort you have to spare.
Don't take silence as a negative. It is better to make specific
suggestions and code.

Well, I hope there will be a (redesign) release sometime :)

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to make the status a bit better.

> We could also help implement other features (in the recommendation this
> time) but again if our investment were to come to fruition relatively
> quickly, we are too small a company to do otherwise.
> Patrick Andries
> (*) Which I **prototyped** on my machine in FOP 0.23 to the customer's
> satisfaction.

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