Clay Leeds wrote:

> Above it indicates /Library/Java/Home is a symbolic link to the installed
> version. If Java is updated, this is changed to point the new version. I
> don't know how it's maintained, but I assume that the scripts for
> installing help with the "maintenance". Personally, I'd rather
> have be able
> to download from like everyone else, instead of from Apple,
> but they've got their reasons...
> In addition, I found these links helpful:
> Apple's Technical Java Q/As:
> Apple's Java FAQ:

What I am trying to say is that I am in a worse position if I tell the user
to do something that doesn't work than I am if I tell them nothing at all
(the status quo). I don't doubt that OSX knows how to keep the links
straight, but it can't possibly know exactly what version of Java FOP needs.

I went ahead & updated the "running.xml" document to include information on
these two issues (filename truncation and JAVA_HOME). I added a "caveat" and
the java faq link you provided above to try to mitigate the upgrade issue. I
am not sure when the web site will next be updated, but in the meantime, if
you want to look at the content, go to:

Victor Mote

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