J.Pietschmann wrote:
You'd be amazed how many known limitations are missing from
the limitations page:

Judging by the length of this list (and the "quality" of some of these... ;-), you're right. I am amazed.


I've found that occasionally text-align="center|right" doesn't always work the way I expect (often displacing the text by one or two &#160;). In these instances, I've found that placing text inside of a problematic fo:block, inside a fo:inline, fixes the problem. Here's a sample of where I had to do this:

<fo:table-cell text-align="right" display-align="center" padding-bottom="1pt" padding-top="2pt">
<fo:block color="#ffffff" display-align="center" font-weight="bold">
<fo:inline text-align="right" display-align="center">REDUCTION</fo:inline>


- no proper vertical alignment in lines, most of the values aren't

also, vertical-align and it's horizontal brother text-align appear to only be functional with text.

- no handling of different font sizes within the same line

That may be true (you should know!), but I use the following to decrease the whitespace between two words (while retaining something of a "nowrap"):

<fo:inline font-weight="bold">Adjustor<fo:inline font-size="4pt">&#160;</fo:inline>ID:</fo:inline>


This does not include the elements and properties well known
to be "not implemented"  as well as small bugs on the other end of
the spectrum, like referring to ids on table cell can cause NPEs.

It seems like many/most of these would find a good home in the limitations page. So, what's keeping these jewels of information (which surely must be annoying the bejeebers out of some developers) out of the public eye?

Anyway, thanks for the "highlights"! I've appropriately "flagged" your message as a place to look when I need to know why something I'm expecting to work isn't actually working. ;-)
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