I'll have a look at it (Tuesday or Wednesday).

On 09.03.2003 23:44:27 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> I tried to get PDF encryption into HEAD and failed.
> Most of the problem is that PDFXObject no longer has a reference
> to the PDFDocument, where the encryption object resides in the patch.
> I'm not sure how important this is, the encryption filter is
> different from the other filters: it takes the number+generation
> of something, however, at some instances it takes the number+gen
> from the XObject, at others (ICCStream) from the stream it is
> applied. I have not enough knowledge of PDF encryption to sort
> this out. Actually, I didn't try the code from the maintentance
> branch with an image (hint, hint: need GIF/BMP, JPG with ICC and
> EPS to test. Jeremias: this appears to be your speciality...).
> Any hints how to proceed?

Jeremias Maerki

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