Jeremias Maerki wrote:
I've just committed PDF encryption support by Patrick C. Lankswert to
the redesign. The bad message is that it doesn't work yet. I get blank
pages in Acrobat when enabled, although the PDF looks good when compared
with one generated by the maintenance branch. I guess that's the same
problem you had, Jörg?

On closer inspection this seems to be the problem: you got number+generation from the stream into the filter for *every* XObject, but the original patch used number/gen from the XObject for all objects except image pixel streams and the JPG ICC stream.

That's why I didn't commit the patch: I didn't want to re-add
the PDFDocument reference to PDFXObject in order to get the
add the encryption filter after the makeStream() without asking
why the reference had been dropped on the way from maintenance
to HEAD.


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