Hello, Jeremias!
You wrote to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 21 Mar 2003 18:38:15 +0100:

 JM> Two possibilities:
 JM> - Subclass the PostScript renderer and try to find the right place
 JM> for   your special commands. You can then set the subclassed
 JM> renderer in the
 JM>   Driver using setRenderer(Renderer).
 JM> - Post-process the generated file. If it's just a few leading and  
 JM> trailing comments, this is extremely easy. Open a new
 JM> FileOutputStream,   create a Writer on that stream, send your
 JM> leading commands, pipe the   whole PS file through to the
 JM> OutputStream, then add trailing commands   via the Writer and close
 JM> the OutputStream.

 JM> I hope that helps.

Thank you for fast response.
Is there are somehow possible to embedd PS command in XSL file, and this command will 
be included in resulting PS file.
This approach will be very useful.

And by the way,
Almost all renderer have a bug.
Logger is not setting when renderer is creting.

I would suggest to change setRenderer methods in Driver and set the logger for 
Or each renderer should set the default logger, as it doing PDFRenderer.
If you run a transformation and do not set a logger for Renderer NullPointerException 
thrown in the method: 
public void startRenderer(OutputStream outputStream)
log.debug("rendering areas to PostScript"); // here

Yours sincerely, Ivan Latysh.

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