Chris Bowditch wrote:

> just a thought on this. The previous behaviour of the
> StaticContent LM that
> you describe above is like a singleton. Isnt the reason
> StaticContent LM is
> behaving like a singleton, because static content should only be laid out
> one time? It may not change behaviour if its laid out multiple times, but
> will it have a negative affect on performance?

It is not quite like a singleton (ie. there can be one for each
StaticContent object), but the point is well taken, and is exactly why I
made the original post. What I don't know is whether the layout logic
attempts to create more than one. With all of the other LMs, it appears that
one and only one is created for each appropriate FO Tree object, and off the
top of my head (I have not looked at the code), I'm not sure it should be
different for StaticContent. However, if it is being accessed multiple
times, then yes, creating a new one each time might have a negative effect
on performance. If that is true, then I need to find some other place to
store the object reference. If it were a true singleton, that place would be
in the StaticContentLM class itself. If I can do so without breaking things
too badly, I'm going to try to press on instead of bogging down on this
issue. If anyone has time to research it that would be great, otherwise I
think I'll defer it until we get to actually work on layout.

Victor Mote

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