--- John Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My own feeling is that FOP
> will remain
> problematic for large documents and this will be
> especially so in
> server environments such as Cocoon.

We hear you, and we do emphasize performance as one of
our main goals [1].  As always, you may wish to add a
Wiki page on things we're not doing that we should be
doing in order to speed things up.  Bugzilla may also
be a good place.  Others can comment on them that way,
and we can refine what needs to be done.

For me though, depending on the problem, there can be
a "grokking delay"--I tend not to act until I fully
understand the issues involved.  Also, I am currently
tied up with layout issues which preclude me from
getting too much into properties code at this time. 

But many of the other committers/contributors have
more thought-out opinions on how properties should be
handled and should be able to contribute more quickly
to your ideas.



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