Dear FOP Developers,

Could you let me know whether you'd be interested in adding a AFP renderer
to the project. I really think it would be worthwhile as many enterprise
scale projects use AFP printing and being able to use a formatted object so
they can be rendered as AFP or PDF is very advantageous.

I'd be grateful if someone could respond as I only have a limited window of
opportunity to get the code into the public domain. Once I move on to the
next project it is unlikely to happen.

Many thanks, 

Pete Townsend.

-----Original Message-----
From: Townsend, Pete 
Sent: 05 August 2004 16:45
Subject: AFP Renderer

Dear FOP Team,

A few months ago I wrote an AFP (Advanced Function Printing) renderer that
generates AFP data streams from a formatted object based on the current
version of the Apache FOP project. This is currently in a stable build and
is coming to the end of a system test phase. The primary reason for the
development was that we wanted to generate documents from one FO template in
different formats (PDF for online and AFP for batch mainframe printing). 

I've been in discussion with my company (Legal & General) about releasing
this code to the Apache Project. I please to say that they have finally
agreed. The one caveat is that the Apache Software License must be included
on all code (general nervousness of the part of the legal department!).

If you're interested in adding mainframe AFP rendering capability to the FOP
project please let me know how I can get involved. I'm happy to act as a
contributor and support this code in the initial instance.

Kind Regards, Pete Townsend.



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