Jeremias Maerki wrote:
I was also thinking about something like
"hidden treasures in the XML Graphics project" but I guess there's not
so much meat on that bone to fill one hour.

Well, there should be enough for an hour, at least in theory. I couldn't convice (yet) my boss that I have an important mission in Stuttgart in July. If I could, I'd probably talk about: - Handling fonts in Java, why the AWT font and text rendering subsystem is lame, and what FOP, Batik and perhaps others would expect from an API. - How to implement flowing text, line breaking and hyphenation efficiently; why the Java BreakIterator and other parts of the Java Unicode support sux0rs; what's behind TR14; Unicode normalization of text before looking it up in a dictionary, and efficient implementation of said dictionary for looking up all substrings in a word (using a trie, a PATRICIA tree or whatever) - Talk about the question why the algorithms aren't simply copied from Gecko (the Mozilla layout engine)

Now that the deadline has been extended, I'll attempt it again.


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