On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 04:12:05PM -0700, Victor Mote wrote:
> Hi all:
> I think FOray wants to take a different approach to the hyphenation pattern
> licensing problem. Specifically, I think we still need such patterns under
> an Apache-style license, and would like for FOray (or someone else) to keep
> hosting the ones that are already conformant to that license, and host a
> place to build the ones that aren't. I know a bunch were purged approx. 18
> months ago that were deemed non-conformant, but I was under the impression
> that the remaining ones were thought to be conformant, specifically:
> en English
> es Spanish
> fi Finnish
> hu Hungarian (?)
> it Italian
> pl Polish
> pt Portuguese
> ru Russian

My list of patterns that were in the FOP CVS until recently is:

da.xml en_GB.xml es.xml fi.xml hu.xml it.xml pl.xml pt.xml ru.xml

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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