Hi Nils

The idea would have been that you get the Handler by using
org.apache.fop.apps.Fop.getDefaultHandler() not by working directly on
the FOTreeBuilder:

Any particular reason why you chose this approach?

Committers, I don't see a problem with what Nils proposes. Does anyone
else? If not, I can do the change next week. If Nils already has a patch
for us, even better. :-)

On 26.06.2005 06:43:22 Nils Meier wrote:
> Hi
> I've tried to use FOP for this scenario :
>  + I have a docbook DOM tree
>  + I send it through a transformer using docbook-xsl to generate fo
>  + The output of that transformation 'is piped' into the result 
>     new SAXResult(new FOTreeBuilder)
> so no files are generated - the FOTreeBuilder is fed directly
> from an in-memory DOM tree.
> Now the subtypes inheriting from FONode contain an identity
> check in:
>     protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String nsURI, String
> localName) throws ValidationException {
>         if (nsURI == FO_URI ...
> This fails because FO_URI != nsURI *but* FO_URI.equals(nsURI). This
> is so because the generated FO document was dynamically created in 
> my setup - apparently without String.intern() for the namespace URI.
> I'd propose to replace all those identity checks with .equals() to make
> this safe without relying on intern()-Strings - example:
> public class Root extends FObj {
>  ...
>   protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String nsURI, String
> localName) throws ValidationException {
>     if (FO_URI.equals(nsURI)) {
>       ...
> Does that sound reasonable? Affects around 30 types in
> org.apache.fop.fo.*
> Thanks
> Nils

Jeremias Maerki

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