On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 07:52 pm, Luca Furini wrote:
> Manuel Mall wrote:
> > yes, that is an option. What I am unsure about here is that the
> > children, typically text areas, do not take the line spacing into
> > account when reporting their bpd, that is the usually 10% space
> > above and below the character. So what is the correct bpd for an
> > fo:inline which has text area children: is it just the max bpd of
> > its children or is it max bpd plus any line spacing settings from
> > its parent?
> Oh, yes, the "half-leading" trait ...
> If I understand correctly the specs (4.5 Line areas) this line
> spacing must be added to the bpd of each inline area too. As it is
> the same for all inline areas, it could be stored into the
> LayoutContext by the LineLM.

That's were it may get messy. The children of a fo:inline are not only 
text areas but also other fo:inline, fo:character, fo:page-number, ... 
as well as a possible fo:block. For some areas added one would need to 
add the "half-leading" trait for others not, depending on what 
generated the area.

> Regards
>      Luca



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