
I took a quick stroll through the code, and now I'm really getting the impression that implementing indefinite page-width or page-height isn't all that hard to achieve.

(Those enlightenments by Jeremias and Manuel yesterday sure gave me the kick that was needed to grasp what happens and why our current layout-engine is so darn' cool :-) )

The remark about running into a limitation WRT using int and millipoints, which definitely did put a smile on my face :-), doesn't seem to pose a problem, since the Integer.MAX_VALUE won't actually be used anywhere for measurements --just as a hint to the BreakingAlgorithm that there is no constraint on the page's height or width. Explicit breaks are still possible. Luca was very right in pointing out that the breaking algorithm can't be ignored. Running out of memory is indeed the more likely result, but my guess is that these properties weren't meant to be used to generate one outrageously looooooong page. They do come in handy if you want to make a nice electronic photo-album PDF, where each page doesn't necessarily have to have the exact same dimensions --implementing "auto" for page-width and -height is also a must if you don't want to end up with pages that are all 8in wide or 11in high. If the user forgot explicit breaks, then that's his concern --on a JVM with sufficiently large heap-size, he will surely curse himself when he first has to wait a couple of minutes only to realize that FOP crashes and didn't get to render *any* content :-)

I'm definitely going to take a closer look soon, but right now I'll just add a few comments for future reference (in case I don't get around to it, someone else doesn't need to start from scratch)

Things to do (first glance):
1) In the properties package we should already catch the case of both height and width being specified as "indefinite", and letting the other default to "auto" (or the fallback: 11in or 8in), plus give a warning about this. Rough idea: use a PageDimensionMaker extending LengthProperty.Maker to deal with that --checks for the values of reference-orientation and writing-mode could also be added here (cfr. Rec 7.25.13 dependency on 'block-progression-direction')

2) In the area package, PageViewport currently sets the pageHeight and pageWidth unconditionally to the integer value of the respective Length instance variables of its SimplePageMaster. This should be changed to, say a default of -1 or zero in case of getEnum() == EN_INDEFINITE (?), since negative or zero values for page-height or -width make no sense (at least not to me, but the 1.0 Rec doesn't seem to enforce a positive non-zero value? [*]). Also, probably something like a setPageHeight() method should be added that allows the PageSequenceLM to feed the accumulated content-height or -width back into the PageViewport after the BreakingAlgorithm has done its work.

3) Similar remark as above for area.Page, which creates a FODimension unconditionally using the height and width integer values.

4) Should code be added to FODimension itself for dealing with the value indicating indefinite page-size? Might be better to subclass FODimension... I'm not sure yet. I guess not creating a FODimension at all would lead to NPE's being thrown.

That's it for now. AFAICT, the BreakingAlgorithm as it currently works, requires only minimal modification to handle the rest without any problems. See what I mean: almost no changes to the layout-engine are needed --at most, use Integer.MAX_VALUE in PageSequenceLM.getAvailableBPD() if the BPD returned by the viewports turns out to be -1 or zero, and force the current PageViewport's height/width in a break-situation. Come to think of it, the first can most likely be handled by the viewports themselves.




[*] BTW: currently, if the height/width is explicitly set to a negative value, you get no real warning about this, but it does have its impact on the result... It can always happen, I guess, especially when the input FO comes from a complex XSL transformation, so it may be worthwhile to provide a reasonable fallback in those cases. For negative values, maybe we could flip the sign, for zero values the currently used fallbacks (8 or 11in) should be sufficient. This could be handled in the properties package without any problem.

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