Debugging shows:
The FOText instances under fo:marker (just before and after the fo:block)
don't get processed for whitespace treatment. Block.handleWhitespace
isn't accessible to it. That's why the whitespace isn't removed and
causes additional lines. The fix is probably to extract handleWhitespace
from Block into a separate class and call it from Block and Marker.

So, this is a bug, to be fixed after the release I guess.

On 15.11.2005 05:56:19 Manuel Mall wrote:
> I was looking at clipping warnings generated by 
> examples/fo/markers/ when I noticed that white space around 
> fo:marker seems significant with respect to the output generated when 
> the marker is retrieved, e.g.:
> <fo:marker>
>    <fo:block>
>      some text
>    </fo:block>
> </fo:marker>
> when retrieved produces:
> <empty line>
> some text
> <empty line>
> while:
> <fo:marker><fo:block>some text</fo:block></fo:marker>
> just generates:
> some text
> I am suspicious that this is wrong and both inputs should produce the 
> same output.
> For a test case and its output see:
> Manuel

Jeremias Maerki

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