Ok, fixed, along with a few other things. Interesting how many little
things you can find that delay a release. :-)

With the current build in the branch we are able to create the 3
distributions that I see are necessary:
- Source distribution
- Binary distribution for JDK 1.3
- Binary distribution for JDK 1.4 and later (containing support for

To make a JDK 1.3 distribution build from scratch possible, add:
javahome.jdk14 = <your jdk 1.4 home path here>
to your build-local.properties. This enables build the docs while Ant
runs under JDK 1.3 because Forrest needs JDK 1.4.

On 18.11.2005 21:49:17 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Thanks, Simon. Good catch! I got that covered. Commit will follow
> shortly.
> On 18.11.2005 21:29:37 Simon Pepping wrote:
> > I compared a newly built fop-0.90alpha1-src.zip with my source
> > directory from the repository. The following files are not in the
> > distribution zip file, while I think they should:
> > 
> > fop-0.90alpha1/KEYS
> > fop-0.90alpha1/lib/xalan.BCEL.LICENSE.txt
> > fop-0.90alpha1/lib/xalan.LICENSE.txt
> > fop-0.90alpha1/lib/xalan.NOTICE.txt
> > fop-0.90alpha1/lib/xalan.regexp.LICENSE.txt
> > fop-0.90alpha1/lib/xalan.runtime.LICENSE.txt
> > fop-0.90alpha1/status.xml
> > 
> > Simon
> > 
> > -- 
> > Simon Pepping
> > home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl
> Jeremias Maerki

Jeremias Maerki

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