On Friday 28 April 2006 19:25, KeithHarris wrote:
> Great stuff Manuel - this has gone straight into my project and is
> producing perfect afps. All I had to do was add a version of the
> configuration file you circulated on the old afp list
> (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=14379222) with
> a tweak to the Courier characterset (CZ4200 instead  of C04200, etc.)
> I'll be doing some heavy road testing on this project over the next
> couple of weeks and will let you know if I spot anything.


thanks for the quick feedback - much appreciated. And good to hear it 
works as I only had opportunity to test it with the AFP Viewer for 
Windows and never within a real AFP printing environment.

There are some hidden features, that is features which are not yet 
documented (like the config file :-)), related to TLE and page 
overlays. Hopefully I get around to document that on the FOP web site 
over the weekend.


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