On Jul 13, 2007, at 21:16, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Jul 13, 2007, at 15:45, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
<snip />
I propose the following plan:
- make a list of patches/bugs that we would like to apply/fix before
  releasing. Here everyone can help, even non-committers ;-) Once the
  list is done we will see how many of them we can handle.

Shall I post a little survey mail on fop-users? Maybe it's good to know for them as well about the upcoming release...

I've prepared this mail, so if agreed, I will post something like this next Monday:

"As some of you may already know, the fop-dev team is currently in the process of preparing a new release. With this post, we would like to gather some ideas on what the user community would like to see incorporated in FOP 0.94.

Note that the release will already contain some cool new features compared to 0.93, like support for border-collapse="collapse", auto- detection and -registration of available custom fonts and improvements in handling internal destinations...

What we are currently looking for are not large improvements, but more the elimination of small annoyances, little things that could mean a great deal to you.

So, shoot away, and we'll see what we can do. No suggestion will be dismissed without consideration. Even if we do not implement the suggestion immediately, if it's interesting we will definitely keep it in mind for the next release.

As always, we value your input and feedback."



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