Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Clay removed the XML file to work around a problem in Forrest in 2004. The
> stylesheets are indeed obsolete if the original file is deleted. You
> should change the ihtml if you need to do any changes.

What was the problem? Any chance that it could work with Forrest 0.8? If 
yes, would it make sense to restore the xml file? If no, can we remove 
the stylesheets? Why ihtml and not simply html?

That allows me to jump to the next subject: Clay, have you had any 
chance to make progress on the transition to Forrest 0.8? If not (which 
is ok), could you commit you current changes to a branch, so that other 
people can take over the work? Thanks!

Also, what’s the status of plugging FOP Trunk into Forrest? From what 
I could find in the Forrest archive it looks like it’s almost done. Will 
it be available in Forrest 0.8?


> On 26.02.2008 11:12:49 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What’s the status of the compliance.ihtml file we can find in the xdocs 
>> directory? It looks like this file was automatically generated, and 
>> indeed there are compliance2*.xsl files in the resources/stylesheets 
>> directory. But those stylesheets don’t seem to be referenced anywhere, 
>> and I can’t find the original xml file either, if any. Is this file now 
>> the original one? If there is anything to modify, should that be done in 
>> this file?
>> Thanks,
>> Vincent

Vincent Hennebert                            Anyware Technologies
Apache FOP Committer                         FOP Development/Consulting

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