Almost forgot this but then again stumbled over the left-over bugs a
couple of times. So this is fixed now as discussed:

As long as external extensions derive from FONode or XMLObj everything
should work as before. Otherwise, the change might still cause problems
when super.characters() isn't called by a subclass of FONode.
FONode.addCharacters() is now deprecated.

On 09.07.2008 19:42:24 Andreas Delmelle wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2008, at 11:06, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > On 09.07.2008 10:45:35 Max Berger wrote:
> >> My favorite solution would be: Provide the new semantics with a new
> >> signature (or method name), and keep the old one as "deprecated"  
> >> for at
> >> least 1 release (Then all plugin developers have enough time to  
> >> adjust),
> >> then remove it.
> >
> > +1 to that approach. I volunteer to do the necessary changes if we  
> > reach
> > a consensus.
> Well, why not? Seems like a good compromise. Have the old method  
> compute the end-index off the passed length, and delegate the call  
> the new version...
> Then you can actually /see/ how silly it looked, and why I decided to  
> make the change in the first place.
> The end-result will be the same, only it will take a few more months...
> In the meantime, I'll see if I can pass you some other info about the  
> future. ;-)
> Cheers
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

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