Hi Jeremias,

> > > While researching I found that I seem to have used @code accidentally in
> > > some places but with the actual intention of using @link (see
> > > IFDocumentHandler, for example). What a mess. :-( I'll fix that.
> I've already fixed the obvious mistakes. 

There are only 23 other usages in tunk. So maybe you can replace them
all with <code>.

And there are also only 57 usages of <tt>. So maybe with regexp and
reformat code...

> > Oh I see :-) So there are currently 105 usages of {...@code} in the trunk.
> > What to do? Can't we allow {...@code} if we generate Javadoc with Java 1.5?
> I guess it's no big deal. If people want clean javadocs they need to run
> Javadoc 1.5. But IMO it's a bit premature to require {...@code} in our
> conventions.

Hmm. Okay I see the point. The switch from 1.4 to 1.5 have to be very
clean. And it would be great if it would come soon. :-)

Best Regards

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