I am not in favor of including all jar files in lib/build in the
source distribution. Do we use retroweaver? I seem to recall that that
was a plan on which we did not execute. Do we need to include tools
for PMD and Findbugs reports? Or for doing XMLUnit tests? They are not
essential build tools, they are tools for advanced building with

I found that it i can compile when I include qdox only.


On Fri, Jul 09, 2010 at 05:36:48PM +0200, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Hi Simon,
>   I downloaded the tarball
> from:http://people.apache.org/~spepping/fop-1_0/fop-1.0-src.tar.gz
> $ md5sum fop-1.0-src.tar.gz
> bb921758e2eb4327b7ac01c5f5fec455  fop-1.0-src.tar.gz
> It seems the ant rule should be adapted since lib/build has been
> removed from the tarball.
> log:
> Buildfile: /home/mathieu/debian/pkg-java/trunk/fop/fop-1.0/build.xml
> /home/mathieu/debian/pkg-java/trunk/fop/fop-1.0/build.xml:1117:
> /home/mathieu/debian/pkg-java/trunk/fop/fop-1.0/lib/build does not
> exist.
> Total time: 0 seconds

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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