On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 7:51 AM, Eric Douglas <edoug...@blockhouse.com>wrote:

>  I figured out how to use the ant tool to build the jars and it seems
> fairly simple.  I downloaded one project which was using maven and it seemed
> fairly ugly.  I installed the Eclipse maven plugin and haven't figured out
> how to compile it.  Jeremias also recently said he doesn't like maven.

Maven has to be the single most effective producer of quasi-religion
arguments in the entire ASF universe. Since I don't have time to offer up a
Maven build alternative for fop, I have no business bugging you all, and I
apologize for raising the point.

However, would you like Sonar? I don't think that it requires a maven build
(but I might be wrong).

>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Benson Margulies [mailto:bimargul...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, August 16, 2010 5:29 PM
> *To:* fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: findbugs results
> Simon,
> The people who make Sonar host Apache projects for free. Many Apache
> projects have Sonar set up there, and can get findbugs and all sorts of
> other useful data without individual contributors running these tools.
> Having written that ...
> for what it's worth, I am personally opposed to taking the default output
> of 'findbugs' as gospel. Many of the things that it reports are 'bugs' only
> in the eyes of its authors or the religious.
> On other projects I've worked on, the project has come up with an agreeable
> set of checkstyle and/or PMD rules that are treated as 'normative', but
> findbugs output is hard to treat as anything except a report that you can
> read and consider whether any particular item deserves to be addressed.
> Aiming for a perfect score there seems unrealistic.
> Meanwhile, I am, completely off to one side, curious as to why you think
> that maven is a 'big' solution. Sheer disk space of the downloaded
> components? Something else? I build CXF on a rather wimpy MacMini at home
> from time to time. It is thirsty for permgen space when you use certain
> plugins, but plain old compiling has never struck me as that different from
> ant.
> --benson
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Simon Pepping <spepp...@leverkruid.eu>wrote:
>> Glenn,
>> Thanks for this interesting report.
>> I noted that the problems reported here are harder to fix. They often
>> touch upon design issues. See my efforts on the warnings for clone,
>> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=49754. Probably,
>> when a codebase has no findbugs problems, it has a clean OO design.
>> But for a code base with a long history and many authors, that is
>> hardly feasible. Moreover, where would we find the time and budget to
>> do all this work?
>> I also noted that findbugs is too big for my simple machine. I do not
>> develop FOP as a profession, so I do not have a larger machine for
>> this purpose alone. There goes findbugs into the same corner as maven:
>> for professionals only.
>> Simon
>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 04:40:47AM +0800, Glenn Adams wrote:
>> > First, I wish to express my pleasure that checkstyle (5.1 at least) now
>> > reports zero warnings/errors, and that only four deprecation warnings
>> are
>> > present at compile time. This is a significant improvement in code
>> > cleanliness, and I hope that all committers will take the time to run
>> > checkstyle and resolve new warnings before performing new commits.
>> >
>> > However, as I mentioned in a previous messge, there remain a fairly
>> large
>> > number of warnings/errors reported by findbugs: 922 of them to be exact.
>> I
>> > don't plan to take any action myself on these at the present time, since
>> > I've managed to stir up the pot (and emotions) quite adequately with my
>> > prior patch. However, if others wish to start addressing these issues,
>> > perhaps incrementally over time, then we can move the code base even
>> closer
>> > to a zero warning state, or at least a state where we've audited all the
>> > warnings adequately. To this end, I am attaching the current findbugs
>> report
>> > as a matter of interest. Because findbugs reports more potentially
>> serious
>> > semantic problems in the code, it is also likely that more potential
>> real
>> > bugs will be uncovered and addressed.
>> --
>> Simon Pepping
>> home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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